A.C. Milan, fan strike triggers at San Siro

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Milan-Genoa, fan strike

The "Banditi Curva Sud Milano", the organized Milan fans, have pre-announced a fan strike at the upcoming match at San Siro, scheduled on Sunday against Genoa for the fourth-last day of Serie A.

"On Sunday against Genoa Curva Sud Milano and AIMC will not display banners/flags/banners and will refrain from any form of cheering – reads the Instagram -. We invite all the rest of the public present at the stadium to join this form of protest that has as its only objective, that of incentivizing the club to continue the line of investment undertaken last season, focusing on a coach who knows how to stimulate the group and enhance the youth, making targeted purchases in the roles left uncovered this season.

"It is not up to us as always to make choices and names, the important thing è that the company è sends a clear and strong signal that it wants to strengthen the project baked last summer. Always with Milan in the heart!", ends the post.

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