Novak Djokovic reveals when he will be at the top

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Novak Djokovic reveals when he will be at the top

Here are the words of Novak Djokovic in the press conference he held today at the Intenzionali d'Italia di oma on the clay of the Foro Italico: "I think I am on track to reach the peak of my form at Roland Garros in Paris".

"I hope that here in Rome I can play better than I did in Monte Carlo,” Nole continued. The desire, of course, è always to get far. But let’s see. Now è a different concept. &Eegrave; the first time Rome and Madrid last almost two weeks, like Indian Wells and Miami. And that gives you more time to recover between matches if you continue in the tournament, which I think is helpful for me".

The goal, today, forò not è Rome. " In terms of preparation I look beyond,” explained the world No. 1. I aim for Roland Garros, Wimbledon and the Olympics. This è the block for which we are preparing the most; and I am satisfied with how the last 10-14 days of training" have gone.

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