Stefano Domenicali scares Monza and Imola

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The words of Stefano Domenicali

F1 president Stefano Domenicali on the eve of the Emilia Romagna GP sent a clear message to all of Italy. “Imola, Monza and Italy are a central part of the calendar. We have to però address issues that affect resources and infrastructure. If today there is not’è the will’ to invest, to work together, to make long-term plans, some countries risk losing the GP. By the end of this year we have deadlines that we will have to review. We will take stock in Monza talking about the future of the GP d’Italia and also that of’Emilia Romagna with Government and Aci".

"Keeping two races in Italy after 2026 è possible, but objectively at the moment è quite difficult. In any case there’è needs a change of pace not only in the safety of racetracks, but also for the services offered to fans. It’ s very difficult considering the demands coming to us from the rest of the world. We have so many nations that want F1 with growing interest in the Far East and the United States, but Europe has also shown interesting signs after the Madrid” initiative.

"È a special GP in every sense of the word  reminding us how time passes quickly and is capable of erasing certain bad moments but if used well it can be important. The tragedies of Senna and Ratzenberger and the 2023 flood are akin in remembering this GP. The accidents changed the’approach to safety. The’flood gave us the’idea of what people can’do in recovering a normal life after a catastrophic event".

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