Inter and Lazio draw at San Siro: Dumfries responds in the final to Kamada

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Inter-Lazio 1-1

Inter newly crowned champions of Italy closed their season series in front of their fans with a draw against Lazio.The Biancocelesti scored with Kamada in the first half, Dumfries's 1-1 goal in the final avoided defeat in the Nerazzurri's last match of the season in front of their home crowd. However, the last home success remains the one against Torino last April 28.

Getting off to a better start was Lazio: after only 4'Tudor’s men scored with Castellanos, who collected Kamada’s throw and pierced Sommer, but the Argentine striker was in an irregular position at the moment of the assist, as shown by the "semi-automatic" technology, and referee Sacchi had to cancel the scoring, restoring the initial 0-0.

Inter began to take the field and with Dimarco came dangerously close to Provedel’s goal twice, but it was the Biancocelesti who scored, at 32': the goal was signed by Daichi Kamada, who after receiving the ball from Rovella finished towards the goal, passing the opponent’s goalkeeper. It's 0-1, the result with which the two teams go to halftime.

Inter doesn't want to close with a knockout on the last home game, Lautaro Martinez hits the post at 59' but è at minute 88 that comes the equalizer: free kick from Sanchez's three-quarter, Dumfries anticipates Marusic header and puts his own signature on the equalizing goal. Four minutes of recovery do not change the story: it ends 1-1, in the last championship Inter will play in Verona against Hellas, while Lazio (still in the running for the sixth place) will be engaged against the already relegated Sassuolo.

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