Valentino Rossi exults after a dream weekend

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Valentino Rossi exults after a dream weekend

Valentino Rossi expressed his joy after a memorable weekend in Misano, where at the wheel of the WRT team BMW, together with teammate Maxime Martin, he took a great victory and a podium in the second weekend of the season of the GT World Challenge Europe. For the Doctor the satisfaction è double, considering the difficulties in practice.

"Racing in Misano è always nice, becauseé è our home race and we were coming here with great memories from last year,” he told Motorsport. “The situation seemed to be more difficult from the performance point of view, we suffered a little bit in finding the right set-up of the car, trying different things during Free Practice, so initially we were not very happy. Plus, in the space of 1" we found ourselves with 26 cars all very fast and gaining 1 tenth could also mean advancing 10 positions. But I had left with great curiosityà in seeing what it would be like to race at night, which I had never done in Misano".

Qualifying turned the tables: "First of all, the hope was to do a good Qualifying and improve becauseé in Free Practice we had not been competitive. In Qualifying è it went very well becauseé Maxime made Pole for Race 1 and I made the fifth time for the start of Race 2, so there were all the possibilities to make good results". The victory in Race 1: " It was very tough, but è even nicer to win like thatì! In fact, maybe this one è was even more beautiful than the first success last year because é we knew that Dries Vanthoor and Charles Weerts were very fast. In the morning we were able to fix some things on the car and in the race I could come out of the corners well going very fast. I have to thank Maxime who gave me the car with a good lead on the chasers so I could breathe a little bit at the beginning".

In the evening race è came a very good third place, enhanced by a nice overtake: "In Race 2 è came another podium, although it was difficult to overtake, but an overtake I è succeeded very well on the outside of Turn 1 before giving the car to Maxime. With this third place we can say that è it was a fantastic home weekend".

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