Hakan Calhanoglu takes another swipe at AC Milan

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Hakan Calhanoglu throws another dig at AC Milan

After a late equalizer with Lazio, Inter kicked off celebrations for winning their 20th Scudetto by also raising the trophy in front of a sold-out San Siro. In the course of the celebrations, Hakan Calhanoglu, who spoke to the microphones of "InterTV", did not hide all his happiness for the achievement. In addition, the Turk could not miss a reference to the conquest of the tricolor right in the derby against Milan.

"The most beautiful moment of this season è was definitely the game we won against Milan because è we beat them and then celebrated in their home. I am a person who always believes, so I think it is a gift that è came to me from God to have won the Scudetto in that very match" debuted the Turkish midfielder.

"There was a desire to win this tricolor: we were ready and worked with great sacrifice to achieve this goal. The group è wonderful and we are a big family. The smile we always have è the basis of our successes and è it was great to see our fans getting so excited. They have also been waiting for this Scudetto for a long time and we are happy to have given them this joy" added Hakan Calhanoglu.

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