Forbes, Real Madrid richest, Juventus first in Italy

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Juventus è valued at just over two billion dollars

As every year, Forbes has compiled its ranking of the world’s richest (and most valued) soccer clubs. A first important fact concerns the "turnover". Compared with the previous year, the most listed soccer clubs are now worth an average of $2.3 billion, or 5.1 percent more than in the last listing.

As has often è been the case, topping the prestigious ranking is Real Madrid (third consecutive year in first place). The Spanish club is valued at as much as $6.6 billion. As if that were not enough, Real Madrid è the football club that generated the most revenue, amounting to the crazy amount of $873 million.

Behind Real Madrid, we find Manchester United, with an estimated value of $6.55 billion. On the lowest step of the podium is another Spanish company, namely Barcelona, which has a value of $5.6 billion. Completing the Top 5 are Liverpool ($5.37 billion) and Manchester City ($5.1 billion).

What about the Italian clubs? No Serie A company occupies one of the top 10 places. To find the first Italian one has to slide down to the 11th position with the presence of Juventus ($2.05 billion). Two other Italian companies are ranked in the Top 20, namely Milan (14°) and Inter (18°). Curiously, Inter's ranking is preceded by Miami's Inter.

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