Monica De Gennaro remains a panther

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The words of Monica De Gennaro

The story of Monica De Gennaro, simply “Moki” for volleyball fans, è the story of Prosecco DOC Imoco Volley. She arrived in Conegliano in ’the now distant 2013, after the first season since the birth of the club gialloblù, è grew up together with the club gialloblù and has put her signature on all the trophies of a trophy cabinet that in two lustrous years has been filled with trophies at national and international level, imposing herself in the meantime as the best interpreter at planetary level of the fundamental role of libero.

“Leader by example”, Monica De Gennaro è has been and è the “hen” of the various groups that have written the history of Prosecco DOC Imoco Volleyball, a model of fidelityà and dedication, the first to arrive and the ’last to knock off every day in the gym. 11 seasons so far, 455 games played (of course first in the “all time”ranking of the Conegliano club), 24 trophies won (all those in Gialloblù history) and…12 points scored even if they do not go on the scoreboard, set among thousands of dives, recoveries, defenses, receptions that made her fans go into raptures for whom she è comparable to a national monument. Her “obvious” confirmation, together with the announced confirmation of captain Wolosz in the direction, ensures, also for the next season 2024/25, the backbone to the team coached by her husband, Daniele Santarelli.

From Macau where è engaged in the VNL with the national team, Monica comments:

"If I look back and think about these eleven years here it doesn’t seem true, I grew up together with this fantastic club and together we have made an incredible journey that fills me with pride and gratitude. The gialloblù jersey I feel sewn on me like a second skin, I think I am lucky to be able to live such a’long experience in what I consider the best environment there is to do this job. Here there’è everything that you could wish for to push you to give your best, starting with an exceptional affection from our fans, the quality of the staff and of a company that puts us in a position to always strive for the highest goals, with great harmony and communion of purpose. Our strength and also my approach forò è is always to not look back, but always think about the next goal, I am already charged and will start next season with the same enthusiasm as on the first day in Conegliano, giving all of myself every day to help the team win again".

"Next season will change something, we said goodbye to part of the team that made the “poker” in the last year, in sports it happens to have to say goodbye, for various reasons we had to say goodbye to athletes who have made history, but as always the companyà is setting up another team of absolute level to continue to have important ambitions and continue our history. The first goal will be to integrate well the champions who will arrive and to create the new group, it will take work and patience, but I assure our extraordinary fans that we will be ready with the maximum of’commitment to give them many more satisfactions!".

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