Riccardo Calafiori sends a message to suitors

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Riccardo Calafiori focused on blue goal

After a star season in Bologna capable of qualifying for the Champions League, Riccardo Calafiori è aware of the possibility of becoming a man in the market in the coming weeks. At a press conference in Coverciano, however, the class of 2002 was keen to let it be known that at this moment è he is exclusively focused on the chances of being part of the list of the 26 Azzurri who will go to Germany for Euro 2024.

The message to suitors è therefore clear: there will be è to wait to make any contacts. "At Bologna I can only say thank you – explained Calafiori – If I speak in the past tense, it is not for some particular reason, but because the celebrations are over and it is time to focus on the national team experience. I just think about putting in my best effort, with the goal of going to the European Championships".

"Since last year so many things have happened, otherwise I would not be here – added the former Roma player, who before the season at Bologna played in Switzerland, at Basel -. The biggest improvement was from the mental point of view. Since the beginning of this season I have always been calm, I have never been afraid of making mistakes".

Calafiori will definitely experience what è happened to him in the past: "I do not point the finger at anyone, at Roma at the beginning I had also played with Mourinho – he said -, I wanted to play more and I moved to Genoa, but è it went wrong. In the meantime at Roma the prices of other players went up, è the possibility of Basel emerged and I went there ì". The rest è history, waiting to see if it will beà still in Bologna that Calafiori will writeà the next chapter".

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