Gigi Buffon lashes out at Beans’ critics

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Gigi Buffon lashes out at Beans critics

On the sidelines of Luciano Spalletti’s press conference, Gigi Buffon reserved harsh words for those who have criticized Nicolò Fagioli and the decision to convene him for Euro2024: "Ours è a cloying respectability, an end in itself. In the intrinsic nobody gives a damn, it only serves to create the cheap polemic. Nicolò apologized and paid" he said.

Luciano Spalletti had justified the Juventus midfielder’s call like this: "These 10 days are crucial for Fagioli. Some complain becauseé players are tired at the end of the season but when we have one rested anyway it is not good. All training sessions are tracked. He completed all training sessions". 

"Beans paired with Jorginho? Those who have this technique canò always play together. The problem è being able to hold the ball for 60 minutes, make physical duels and run after opponents, which è much more tiring. So in these situations we will need players more ù accustomed to recovering ball possession and countering" concluded the national team’s coach.

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