Juventus fans enraged: avalanches of criticism of Marotta

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Juventus fans enraged: avalanches of criticism of Marotta

The appointment of Beppe Marotta as Inter's new president has unnerved (and not a little) many Juventus fans: the executive in just a few years è gone from being a symbol of the Bianconeri club to heading Juventus's eternal rival. So many Juventini vented their anger on social media by covering Marotta with criticism using even very harsh tones.

Beppe Marotta spoke thusì after his appointment as president of Inter: "I would like to thank Oaktree for the decision to appoint me as president of Inter. I am honored by the trust they have placed in me. Since the day of the announcement of the new Ownership, Oaktree managers have been very present and open to dialogue. This is a tangible testimony of how much the new controlling shareholder of the club cares about the development of the Company;. In the first statements Oaktree had guaranteed the continuity of Inter&#39s management, I think today we can recognize the new owners of Inter to have followed up their words with a tangible and concrete fact. We must also recognize that Oaktree has from the beginning testified great awareness about the historical legacy, tradition and values of our Club".

" I have been a soccer lover for as long as I can remember. I have been dedicated to this movement all my life and soccer has repaid me with a path that è been built step by step, brick by brick. Becoming president of a club as prestigious as Inter generates a strong emotion that a young boy entering the Varese locker room at 17 could never have imagined. That emotion, combined with the experience of almost 50 years of soccer, è at the disposal of this community. Always forza Inter!".

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