Francesco Totti cheers for De Rossi, Conte and… Spalletti

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The words of Francesco Totti

Francesco Totti ahead of Euro2024 è returned to speak to Sportmediaset about Luciano Spalletti:: "The relationship è always been splendid, there's only been a moment of tarnish that we put behind us as adults. These matches count up to a certain point. When the adventure at the European Championship begins, the national team will show its worth.

Inevitable a joke about Roma and De Rossi:  " Daniele è the right man for Roma and he is proving it by having a good run. We hope he can have a good start to the season and that the club will support him".

Filling in on Antonio Conte’s new Napoli: "We will see what team De Laurentiis will build for him. We all know how the coach is and what kind of roster he will want to build. He will definitely want to start off on the right foot to try to bring the Scudetto back to Napoli".

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