Euro 2024, Federico Dimarco immediately pilloried: strong words

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The mistake of Federico Dimarco

Shock start of Euro 2024 for the Azzurri and in particular for Federico Dimarco. His back-pass after 23''allowed Bajrami to score the resounding 1-0 goal for Albania. It è was the fastest goal ever conceded by the Azzurri in a major event: the previous had been by Lacombe after 38" in France-Italy at the 1978 World Cup in Argentina.

The Inter player was immediately pilloried by Rai television commentator Alberto Rimedio, who, in the commentary booth with Antonio Di Gennaro, commented on the incident with two strong and clear words to define his technical gesture: "Senseless and unjustifiable".

Luciano Spalletti in the pre-match had expressed himself this way on Sky microphones: "It is the opportunities"that pass in front of you that make the difference, you have to give meaning to life. And to make sense of life you have to make choices, go and challenge these opportunitiesà that pass you by. So there is no’è situation more beautiful" than today, the fans are many more than the others è even more beautiful".

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