Elisabetta Cocciaretto stops at the most beautiful in Birmingham

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Elisabetta Cocciaretto-Yulia Putintseva 2-6 2-6

Elisabetta Cocciaretto’s journey at the WTA 250 in Birmingham stops on the nicest of terms. The Italian player, in fact, also conditioned by a discomfort in her left thigh, è surrendered to Kazakhstan’s Yulia Putintseva, number 41 in the WTA ranking, who è imposed herself with a double 6-2 after almost an hour and a half of play.

Cocciaretto got off to a bad start, giving up the serve in the second game (0-2). The Italian, however, reacts immediately by signing the counter break and equalizing in the score (2-2). Here però a new and decisive stretch by Putintseva earned her the first set, closed 6-2. Also of note was a left thigh problem for the Marche player, who was forced to call medical time out at 2-5.

The second set thus became a monologue of Puntintseva who, with the inertia of the score in her favor and an opponent not at her best from a physical point of view, climbed in an instant to 5-0. Cocciaretto with pride climbed back up to 2-5, but on the fourth match point the Kazakhstan closed the talks, earning her access to the final.

Cocciaretto must thus bid farewell to the 'Rothesay Classic' after an excellent run that still allows her to gain three positions in the WTA ranking: from Monday she will be world number 41.

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