Inter, no favors for Calhanoglu: price not to be touched

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After Euro 2024 likely face-to-face between the parties

Inter Milan has no intention of making any move to come to terms with Calhanoglu. After renewing his contract practically a year ago (expiring in June 2027 with a salary of around seven million euros), the Nerazzurri company feels it has already done everything it needed to please the Turkish midfielder.

So despite the strong pressure from Bayern Munich, which is definitely interested in stealing the Turkish national from Inter, there will be no move by the Champion of Italy club. On the contrary, it seems clear that the will is to maximize as much as possible in case of a transfer. If Bayern Munich really wants Calhanoglu, it will have to pay him handsomely.

The figure, in fact, è known. It starts at 70 million euros, with no possibility of discount. Inter has decided that the price tag of the 30-year-old midfielder è that and has no intention of changing its mind, also because, before the news of the last few days, it was certain that Calhanoglu would remain nerazzurro.

At this point, the ball è in the hands of the German club. Only a monster proposal will allow Calhanoglu to leave Inter Milan and settle at Bayern Munich. Be that as it may, the eventual face-to-face between the parties involved will take place only after Calhanoglu’s commitments with the Turkish national team. The feeling è that it will be an all-but-easy negotiation for the Bavarians.

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