Nicolò Zaniolo comes out of the closet on future and throws an assist to Atalanta

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Atalanta pressing on Nicolò Zaniolo

After his experiences with Galatasaray and Aston Villa, è it is now clear that the will of Nicolò Zaniolo is to return to Serie A. The same player, in addition, during an interview to the microphones of the "Gazzetta dello Sport", made himself clear about his future: "I told my agent Claudio Vigorelli and Galatasaray knows it too: I want to return to Italy. A solution will be found, I am very optimistic".

The first to move for Zaniolo è was Fiorentina, but in the last few days there would have been the overtaking of Atalanta. The Dea, in fact, would have already had several contacts with both the player's entourage and the club and would be ready to put on the plate an offer of about 3 million euros for the onerous loan with a right of redemption that would become an obligation under conditions easily achievable around 15 million euros.

Galatasaray, for its part, has reportedly not yet taken a position on the economic demands, but the Bergamasque club&#39s pressing and the player&#39s already clear willingness to return to Serie A could give a considerable acceleration to the operation. 

Nicolò Zaniolo è is currently stuck in the pits due to the microfracture in his foot suffered during the Premier League match between Aston Villa and Liverpool, which also forced the player to miss the 2024 European Championships with Luciano Spalletti's Italy jersey.

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