Marcell Jacobs is a case, Stephen Mei furious

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The Marcell Jacobs Case

It's become a case of Marcell Jacobs s nonparticipation in the Absolute, scheduled for the weekend in La Spezia. The Olympic champion and other bigwigs, after their European triumphs and waiting to fly to Paris for the 2024 Olympics, did not want to pull too hard by forgoing the Ligurian event.

"I will not doò the Italian championships, an appointment I have always honored, my five titles testify to that. But we decided that the’approach to the’Olympics would be different. We still have a lot of work to do, I will arrive in Paris as an Olympic champion and I want to get there in the best possible condition. Lotterò until’the last centimeter", the words of Marcell Jacobs.

Fidal president Stefano Mei thundered: "I knew nothing about it, nobody consulted me, let alone informed the technical sector. Only on the 19th he had confirmed my presence in La Spezia. Soì thatì is just not good. I will ask for an explanation from Deputy Vice President Sergio Baldo, who è also his commander at the Golden Flames. I am sorry that Marcell is not there, but I take note. Although at this point I’m not even sure if the reason is to return for a period in Florida. Promising one thing and then doing another isn’t really good. We will have to talk about it in depth".

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