Meo Sacchetti wanted to leave the national team to Ettore Messina

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The words of Meo Sacchetti

Meo Sacchetti spoke to Corriere dello Sport about his experience as coach of the national team: "I think it is moreù beautiful to play than to coach. As an athlete I won a lot in the Azzurro. As a coach I have taken great satisfaction and I will always thank Ettore Messina, he was the one who proposed me".

It all startedì from a call: "Summer 2017. Heò phoned me. I thought he wanted to ask me for my opinion about my players in blue. Instead: “Would you like to coach the national team? ”. I almost had a stroke. Never would I have expected such a thing. “The president already knows everything, è out, then he calls you”, he said. It was a beautiful surprise".

He concludes with a backstory: "After beating Serbia, I revealed this intention of mine to the staff. They discouraged me by saying, “You earned it, you deserve to continue”. I wanted to give the team to Hector to pay him back: he won everywhere, but the Games he missed".

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