Italy, Luciano Spalletti stays and already knows how to rise again

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Italy, Luciano Spalletti stays and already knows how to rise

"I have not been the best Spalletti possible. I read that I have been attributed d've raised the tone too much and use of myths to follow. But I have examples to follow". So said Italy coach Luciano Spalletti in the press conference the day after Italy's elimination from the European Championships against Switzerland. His words are reported by’ANSA.

"There are many things still to show, my commitment will be total. You have to be honest in the telling of these 14 starts made, of my path. We have been good up to a certain point. Yesterday made important step backward that you cannotà accept. I believe I know what it takes".

"Yesterday’s game makes us go back to zero, in future choices I will tryò to rejuvenate the squad, being careful about the lack of personalityà. They did not give me the answers I was looking for. You need new forces and energy, you go for players from the bottom, young people. As I stay here, this will be done even more in the future. È clear that players of the level of Chiellini and Bonucci è difficult to find again. Then it è seen that by giving confidence to Calafiori there are potentialsà that pass through the game".

"It è was not my most complicated night, in my life I have had many difficult nights for love and passion. We knew we had a round with maximum difficulties. We expected to have more reaction, until the qualification there was an adaptation in the matches different from what we saw yesterday. We are left hurting and responsible for what we saw. The dialogue with the team? Every day I went to confrontation with the team. Dialogue è fundamental, I talked head to head and to the team. I didn’t give too many instructions, I did my job 100 percent. I didn’t let anything go by. I changed and put fresher people, è an analysis I have to do to answer the question".

"Of yesterday’s game I am disappointed becauseè I did not see the reaction, even with Spain at the end there were scrums where we could have scored. Yesterday I did not see this anger to go up against an opponent other than Spain. We did too little – added the coach – If the answer è this I have to do something different. The mood in the team during the European Championship? It was perfect, the right reflection on the importance of the tournament. From the beginning we always said the same thing, that a healthy and solid group was being born. All very close joking every night in the hotel game room. Whether the blue jersey can become a burden I do not know, but given what è happened yesterday we will try to get answers. Yesterday, for example, before the game we asked who did not feel like kicking a penalty. Several already held up their arm showing that they did not want to take it".

"We are sorry for not being able to give back to fans joy they deserve. Sorry for the result subject to so many variables. What unfortunately remains è disappointment for not being able to show all that è has been done", Federcalcio President Gabriele Gravina echoed him. “There’è disappointment in the'inabilityà to react to objective limits with a different reaction, disappointment that we have to reflect on. Yesterday the reflection we all made together by dividing our responsibilities; we are all responsible".

"I spoke with Spalletti last night: it doesn&#39t make sense to interrupt a project that's multi-year, and it's only started eight months ago,&#39 continued Gravina.

We have confidence in him, in sixty days we will be back on the field and it doesn't make sense to think that by changing the project in two months a Mbappe'" will pop up.

" I do not run away from responsibility. Criticism hurts, instrumental ones linked to a call for resignation. Constructive ones don’t, they must be listened to. There is no way anyone can govern our world from the outside, this applies to politics as well as to everyone else in calling for the resignation of both Gravina and Spalletti. It does not exist", said Gravina, explaining that "Figc elections cannot be done before the Olympics, at the first useful date we will do it. Criticism yes but let’s make it constructive".

"It would be an unimaginable disaster, not to center the World Cup for the third consecutive time. I did not dwell on my desire to continue my path that prevents me from returning home. There are seven components in the world of soccer, è fair comparison. All this we will do by removing some of the dross".

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