Treviso, Frank Vitucci sibylline on the market

The words of Frank Vitucci
Frank Vitucci, back from his NBA Summer League experience, spoke about the market to 'The Treviso Tribune' "We have seen quite a few players, we have updated ourselves, now let's see what will turn up. Of concrete for now there's nothing, in the sense that we didn't come home with who knows what in our pockets. In any case è it is always better to go there to see the players personally, è like watching a game at the palace rather than from home: in this way you can have different sensations, different contacts, in short a better” view of things.
"This è the period when you look around, you understand what is on the market and the tendencies of the players, you gather information – added the coach of the biancazzurri -. Basically you prepare the future choices, which for us are the 4 of the quintet with the characteristics we need and a multi-role outside, a small wing".
"This year we are banking more on reliability and on the fact that the five who are left can become if not an asset at least a solid starting base. In addition to that, the two new Italians, Mazzola and Mascolo, are not to be neglected, who, with the two Americans to be signed, will have to give us that something new compared to the group we wanted to keep".
"For two reasons: the confirmed have shown, in the second half of the season, an important attachment to the jersey, as well as relevant technical and human qualities. Hence the above-mentioned reliability. Moreover, they deserved all the confirmation, it is not like we were obliged to keep them here. Besides, we did not expect that someone could accept so easily to stay, see Bowman and Olisevicius" Vitucci commented on the confirmation of half the roster.