Olympics, fury also over blue boxing: ‘Italy snatched’

Olympics, fury also for blue boxing: "Italy snatched"
After judo and fencing, Italian boxing is also protesting against referees. The elimination of Italian heavyweight Aziz Abbes Mouhiidine, who was aiming for the gold medal, has sent Federation President D'Ambrosi into a rage, who directly attacked the referees for the controversial decision that resulted in the triumph of Uzbek Lazizbek Mullojonov.
"Shame on you. Once again Italy è snatched away. We thought that the IOC would protect boxers and avoid the nefariousness of the past. Nothing. We are back to the same old thing – è D'Ambrosi's post -. The match dominated by Abbes and lost by a wretched verdict shows that nothing è changed".
"This" causes me to make serious reflections on my further stay in this world that I have loved and cherish beyond" the paltry positions of power that some people yearn for. Unfortunately, the jackals, even the older ones, will take advantage of this blatant injustice and also stop the change that at the national level boxing was slowly undergoing".
"I am the president and I have to answer for failures even when they are not directly attributable to me. I do not know, therefore, whether I will run again. I don’t know if he will find the strength. Meanwhile, I hope that the Italian boxers still competing will not suffer the same outrage as Abbes. With affection for the entire Italian boxing movement".