Treviso, president Contento warns the team

The words of Marco Contento
The president of Treviso Basket, Marco Conteno, gave a long interview to the microphones of Corriere del Veneto: "How does the season start? Under good auspices. The market I think has brought some very good answers related to what are the goals of the companyà. We have been able to recover an extra budget thanks to the contribution of many sponsors".
"The idea è to raise the bar,‖ added the number one of the white and blue company, -but in a general sense: we consider that 80 percent of our sponsorship contracts are multi-year. This gives you confirmation of the strength of the foundation on which we are building TVB".
"Long-term project? We say medium- to long-term, and not only for the team. Guiding us in this regard has been the spirit of urgency and the spirit of planning. Raising the bar also means being able to turn costs into investments or even understanding that the presence of an athlete in Treviso should not be tied only to salary, but also to everything that as a city, square and sponsor we can offer to make his stay as ideal as possible".
Finally, Contento closed on the market, with a warning to the team: "I believe that from the market have arrived players of great quality" and above all, the confirmations show the will" to continue the project started last year. The technical area è the first to have a great desire for revenge, then came great players like Macura, Alston and Mascolo. Let's say we hope to take satisfaction, suffering less than in the past. Then we all know that the level has è risen, there are no mattress teams".