Alessandro Del Piero knocks on neighbors’ doors

Alessandro Del Piero knocks on neighbor’s door
When a connection works, you even forget you have it. And è just what happens to the neighbors of Alessandro Del Piero – the protagonist of the new Sky Wifi communication campaign. In fact, when the champion, fed up with connectivity problems, asks his condominiums – who surf without problems thanks to Sky’s ultrabroadband – for advice about the network, no one remembers their name.
As always, the new commercial focuses on the quality of Sky Wifi, which guarantees speed and reliability and is optimized for streaming and online gaming. To tell about the features of Sky’s ultrabroadband, the creativity plays on the paradox: home connection è something you think about only when it doesn’t work, but when everything goes great then… you don’t think about it anymore – as the claim of the commercial goes.
With this new campaign, Alex Del Piero becomes an all-around testimonial for Sky’s connectivity, following his debut as the face of Sky Mobile powered by Fastweb last February.
The video è is set in an apartment building and opens with Alex Del Piero who, visibly unnerved by the network problems he is experiencing, è is determined to change wifi. He then turns to his neighbors to ask them what operator they have chosen. “I don’t remember, è what doesn’t jump” says the boy, struggling with a work call. The girlfriend suggests Alex reach out to the condo owner upstairs, with the same connection, but he too is not è much help. The tour continues with the lady next door who, in turn, though very satisfied with her wifi, cannot remember the name of the operator but only that she è was recommended by another tenant. All together they then go to the girl, who opens the door wearing a Virtual Reality visor while playing with friends and says that her network can connect them all. At that point è it is Alex Del Piero himself who has the’enlightenment: if it can hold so many people, it can only be Sky Wifi.