Serie B, 4 penalty points to Cosenza

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Serie B, 4 penalty points to Cosenza

"As part of two different proceedings, the National Federal Court, presided over by Carlo Sica, has sanctioned Cosenza (Serie B) with 4 penalty points in the standings to be served in the current sports season and a 10,000 euro fine”.

È as reported in a statement that the Federcalcio released on its website. "The TFN has also sanctioned with a total of 18 months of inhibition Roberta Anania – è written again in the note -, at the time of the facts pro tempore legal representative of the club".

Cosenza had been referred by the Federal Prosecutor’s Office for administrative violations reported by Covisoc. After today's action by the FIGC, Cosenza drops to last place in the Serie B standings, with 0 points.

The Calabrian soccer club, in a statement published on its website, expresses "disappointment at the "extreme rigidityà of the decision taken in the judgment by the National Federal Tribunal, in the presence of mere formal errors, subject to immediate resolution by the same clubà itself".

"We await the grounds of the decision – adds the companyà – in order to firmly assert the validity of our reasons in the subsequent levels of judgment".

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