Serie A 2024-2025: Lecce-Cagliari, the likely lineups

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The probable lineups

There are already important points up for grabs at the Via del Mare stadium in the match that will see Lecce and Cagliari face each other on Saturday, with kickoff at 6:30 p.m. Two teams designed and equipped for salvation, both looking for the first victory in the league to give a boost to their stated ambitions.

Lecce è started with two rather heavy defeats, playing forò against Champions level opponents such as Atalanta (4-0 for the orobici at the first) and Inter (2-0 for Simone Inzaghi’s men at San Siro). Luca Gotti is banking on Krstovic as a finisher in attack and on the trio consisting of Banda, Rafia and Dorgu to back him up.

On the other hand, Cagliari did not win in the first two days, but neither did they lose: 0-0 against Roma in the league opener, 1-1 at home against Como on the following day. Waiting for Gianluca Gaetano, returning from Naples (this time with a redemption obligation) probable 3-5-2 for coach Davide Nicola, with Luvumbo and Piccoli in attack.

Lecce-Cagliari, probable lineups:

LECCE (4-2-3-1): Falcone; Guilbert, Baschirotto, Gaspar, Gallo; Ramadani, Pierret; Banda, Rafia, Dorgu; Krstovic. All. Gotti.

CAGLIARI (3-5-2): Scuffet; Zappa, Mina, Luperto; Zortea, Deiola, Prati, Marin, Augello; Luvumbo, Piccoli. All. Nicola.

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