Luciano Spalletti makes mea culpa: bitter admission

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Luciano Spalletti makes mea culpa: bitter confession

Ahead of the upcoming Nations League commitments, Luciano Spalletti è spoke in a press conference. The coach è started by making mea culpa: "I feel responsible for what è happened. The players are totally relieved of this responsibility, as I told them also today: I put too much pressure on them, I did not give them time to enjoy the Azzurri jersey on them. Now I must be the first to change and believe that I have a different force on my players".

"My willà to continue also passes from the fact that I understood from the beginning that the match with Switzerland changed absolutely nothing about the consideration of the president and the Federation. Had I felt different sensations, I would have started talking to them. This confidence allowed me to immediately set to work to go and find alternative solutions, to catch up immediately after the mistakes that caused this ugly defeat".

Spalletti then spoke about Chiesa and Tonali. The former has è recently settled at Liverpool, the latter è returned to Newcastle’s disposal after a long stop: "With Chiesa we spoke and made a balanced assessment. I would have brought him in as an extra player by not having him participate in the two games. He told me that he had talked to the new company and needed to do specific training to work with them. There was a need to develop a strong, hard training period, he has to adapt to the new working methods. Tonali, on the other hand, s'è trained regularly, è a player on whom we put a lot of trust and comes in. He's one of the ones I have heard the most from in this period, the guy has been thinking a lot and this è one more reason to bring him with us".

In closing, the coach spoke about his tactical plans: "In the reflections I referred to earlier there'è also the tactics of the team. In the somewhat too demanding demands there was also that of defending with four and building with three, of changing dress during the game, and probably that è was a mistake. Now this doubt I want to remove: we will always play with the three-man defense: 3-5-2 or 3-4-2-1. Going forward you è a little bit more; free to interpret the qualities you have, but the system è that. I have been thinking, I probably have to do it differently and that è one of the things that will changeò".

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