Fiorentina, against Empoli Raffaele Palladino wants the leap in quality

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Fiorentina, against Empoli Raffaele Palladino wants the leap forward


Continuityà and growth. This is what Raffaele Palladino asks from his team while waiting for Sunday&#39s derby at the home of Empoli. A difficult commitment, and not only because of the rivalry between clubs and fans, but also because D'Aversa&#39s team is one of the most in form, still undefeated and also just back from the victory on the Torino field that qualified it for the round of 16 of the Coppa Italia where it will face the violets again in December.

''We know that a healthy and well-trained formation awaits us, but we are well – said the Fiorentina coach through official channels – We come from a week in which we worked with great intensity and enthusiasm after the success over Lazio, now I expect growth from all points of view, physical, mental and team''

At the moment Pongracic and Mandragora are in strong doubt due to muscle problems, and considering that next Thursday there will be the first conference engagement against the Welshmen of The New Saint è more than likely the two players will not be risked. ''I am fortunate to have a large roster, where everyone is a starter and should feel involved – highlighted Palladino – No one seve feel like a starter, we have many commitments and there will be room for everyone, we have a chance to build something important, meanwhile the group is becoming more and more solid, victories help to work better and I am sure we will raise the level''.

In short, although aware of the pitfalls of Sunday’s away match, the purple coach aims to make the most of the enthusiasm for the first success of the season won against Lazio thanks to Gudmundsson’s double on a penalty, who at the Castellani could start as a starter for the first time since he è arrived in Florence. The biggest rebus concerns the module considering that Palladino could reintroduce the three-man defense or deploy it with four as in the second ever against the biancocelesti.

''I have to keep in mind that on Thursday we will have the Conference match, so now the thought è all for the challenge of Empoli – the words of the coach of the Viola -, the boys will have to take the field motivated, determined, we will have to take care of every detail. In this Fiorentina we are all ambitious, starting with the president, we all want the same thing''.

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