Mimmo Fusco Trophy, victory for Novara

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Novara-Busto 3-0

A 3-0 victory in the final of the Mimmo Fusco Trophy for Lorenzo Bernardi’s Igor Volleyball, which overcame the hosts of the UYBA and thus won first place in the tournament dedicated to the memory of the great RAI journalist. MVP award for Novara’s German setter Lina Alsmeier, author of 13 points during the match, to be reported also the first “official”points for Hanna Orthmann, who entered in two different moments of the match. Absent due to a family commitment, coach Lorenzo Bernardi, leading the team è was his deputy, Davide Baraldi.

Busto Arsizio on the court with Obossa opposite Boldini, Van Avermaet and Sartori in the middle, Olaya and Kunzler in the band and Pelloni free; Igor with Bosio at the helm and Tolok in the diagonal, Aleksic and Squarcini in the middle, Alsmeier and Ishikawa as the slappers and De Nardi free.

Early head-to-head (4-5) with Busto running away 10-7 while Tolok tries to fight back (10-8) and Ishikawa shortly after curls in maniout, for 13-12. Busto raises its voice at the wall (15-12), Baraldi stops the game and two points in a row by Alsmeier are worth the tie (15-15) before the new white-and-red breakaway for 20-17. Again the blue reaction (20-20) and on 23-23 (Alsmeier’s winning parallel) an error by Olaya and a diagonal by Tolok are worth the 23-25 that closes the first set.

Aleksic’s ace (1-2) but Busto went back ahead at the wall (10-8), finding shortly after the maximum lead at 13-10 while Bosio brought her team back into the game with the 14-14 attack followed by the break propitiated by Aleksic’s wall (14-15) and Tolok’s parallel (14-16). Counterbreak by the hosts (18-16), but Novara regains the thread and puts its head back ahead with Tolok’s wall (18-19), shortly after Aleksic’s ace makes it 20-23 while Orthmann, Villani and Bartolucci are also seen among the Azzurri. It ends 21-25 with Squarcini’s wall for the 0-2

The start è always of the red-and-white brand (10-7), at the wall the UYBA keeps the +3 (12-9) but after half of the partial Igor comes back with momentum, with Alsmeier (16-14, winning parallel) and Ishikawa (wall on Obossa, 17-16) while the turn of the German hitter propitiates the 18-20 with the ace that forces Busto Arsizio to timeout. Novara doesn’t stop anymore: Orthmann makes it 19-22 at the net, Alsmeier in lob conquers the match ball (20-24) and an attack error by Busto Arsizio closes the accounts on 20-25.

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