Mario Balotelli to Genoa: it is now official

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Official Mario Balotelli to Genoa

Now è it’s really done: Mario Balotelli è a new Genoa player. Through a note issued on its official channels, the Rossoblù club has announced the return of "SuperMario" to Serie A after a full four years since the last time.

"Mario Balotelli è a new player for Genoa. The Italian striker, born in Palermo on 12/09/1990, signed a contract with his new club. In his career Balotelli has won nine titles at the professional level with his home teams. In the senior national team è he was top scorer and vice-champion at the 2012 European Championship, collecting a total of 36 appearances and 14 goals. Welcome to Genoa, Super Mario! " this is the statement issued by the club rossoblù.

"I’m loaded, honestly I don’t feel like talking that much, I want to start and let the field speak for me. I want to send a greeting to the fans and I can&#39t wait to see them at the stadium. I'll give it my all and I hope to find the best form as soon as possible" these are the first words of the former Inter and Milan striker.

After signing the contract, the Italian center forward has already held a first training session individually. In the coming days, the former Nice man should also work with the rest of the group, so that he will be available as soon as possible to coach Alberto Gilardino.

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