Napoli, Antonio Conte teases Atalanta

Count’s words
Antonio Conte spoke on the eve of the match with Atalanta: "I hammered the head to my people, we will not have to underestimate this challenge. Maybe they will, since they have a Champions League structure and we still do not".
" Lobotka will be ready for Inter, we are in the final stages of recovery. On Gilmour I had no doubts, it was a worry of mine not to be able to give him more minutes but he has in front of him someone like Lobotka who makes outstanding performances. Billy is doing well, he canà stay many years here and do great things".
"I don't know if it's a scudetto challenge, for me it's not an issue and eventually I'll leave it up to you, for sure it's a challenge between those who want to go to Europe and they already play it this year. They are the perfect example because over the years they have always put bricks building. Let us not forget that important players left from here and were replaced properly. Our goal è to return to Europe, doing it from the front door. The first thought è to score, the second not to concede: but it will be a probing test, I broke the boxes to my people to make them understand some situations".
"Would winning the Scudetto this year be a miracle? I am a believer and practitioner, football miracles in the past there have been but only one person does them. I always pray and in my prayers are the footballers for them to be well, I say sincerely. Then they always say that God sees and provides, that è no doubt. We – from the footballers to the cooks – just have to work to try to create something beautiful that in a championship can&eograve; give more points, without making mistakes".