Fabio Capello scares Juventus and Milan

Capello’s words
Fabio Capello has sounded the alarm from the pages of Gazzetta dello Sport: "The numbers say it clearly: Juventus and Milan must get a move on, they risk their Champions spot for next season. With the competition emerging in this first chunk of the championship, the Champions race for the two bigs seems anything but a foregone conclusion".
"The leading Napoli, with no other commitments during the week, has everything to last until the end of the season, occupying one of the top spots", added the'former coach.
"Inter, which in my opinion è is the best-equipped team of the lot, is unlikely to get out of the top four. While Atalanta è has been a Champions League reality for years now: a serious company, a good coach and a strong identity make it a credible candidate, I would even say a strong contender to reach the top four.
And again: "But Juve and Milan must also beware of the so-called outsiders, who are doing very well . I am referring to Lazio and Fiorentina, who are above in the standings, without, however, forgetting Roma, at the moment a bit’ lagging".