Eziolino Capuano fuels Mario Balotelli dream for his Trapani team

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The dream of Eziolino Capuano

Eziolino Capuano, Trapani coach, also spoke about Mario Balotelli during an interview granted to Radio Goal, live on Kiss Kiss Napoli: "Balotelli in Trapani? The president è an ambitious person and è his idea. In basketball Trapani is fighting for the Scudetto, unfortunately in soccer things are not going as expected. In January we have rejuvenated the whole squad".

"Should Balotelli come I would be delighted, he will always be myself and I never change. I did 60 years and coaching Balotelli would be nice. I don’t know if it will materialize, but I would be happy. In the January market he took very strong prospective players".

"And anyway Balotelli is not è a crazy idea, we are doing an important market, the president has shown that he wants to do great things".

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