Valentino Rossi, Dr. Costa’s bitterness: “I was wrong.”

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The bitterness of Dr. Costa

In a long and interesting interview granted to Corriere della Sera, Dr. Claudio Costa, for years and years in charge of the Mobile Clinic, also spoke about his relationship with Valentino Rossi.

"When he was racing in 125, a bad car accident with Graziano caused him a severe head injury,” he said. “The doctors questioned whether he could continue his career. I took him to Villa Serena, a nursing home in Forlì. We studied his brain, precious and wonderful: “For me he canò run already on Sunday in Indonesia”, I told his mother. We got on the’plane together, he won the race".

"At Le Mans, despite a bad shoulder, he took pole in qualifying and in the race he came second just a few thousandths behind Lorenzo. At Sachsenring, despite a fever of 40, he finishedì ahead of everyone" added Costa.

The relationship between Rossi and Costa è però cracked in 2010: after the terrible fall at Mugello, which provoked himò a decomposed and exposed fracture of the tibia and fibula, the champion refusedò the care of the Mobile Clinic. "About this I would rather not talk. È a wound still open becauseé I was wrong, as a doctor" concluded the white coat, now 83 years old.

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