Inter Milan trembles: Calhanoglu’s agent in contact with Bayern Munich

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The Stipic agent reportedly met with Bayer emissaries already


It seemed like a happy marriage, certified even by the recent contract renewal (until June 2027, at 6.5 million euros per season). Instead, something seems to have cracked in the relationship between Calhanoglu and Inter. Blame è the insistent Bayern Munich that does not seem to want to let go of its hold on the Turkish midfielder.

As Gazzetta dello Sport reports, there have reportedly been as many as two meetings between Stipic, the Nerazzurri midfielder's agent, and emissaries of the German club. In short, the Turkish player’s entourage would be listening, with attention, to Bayern Munich’s proposal, despite the fact that Inter, on more than one occasion, has declared Calhanoglu incedible.

A delicate situation that could even lead to a deep rupture. The Nerazzurri club, strong in its existing contract, is not è particularly concerned and trusts that Calhanoglu will remain in place. However, for the sake of clarity, it also seems to have speculated on a price for the Turkish national’s tag that would be quantified at 70 million euros.

It should be remembered that Calhanoglu is no longer è very young (30 years old) and, as a result, such a figure for a player of his age; could benefit the Nerazzurri coffers. Moreover, should Calhanoglu leave, there would still be Asllani ready to take his place in the middle of the field. Hypotheses and nothing else, also becauseè Inter is still hoping that Calhanoglu is not going anywhere.

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