Nicolo Melli reveals the reason for his farewell to Olimpia

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The red and white captain would have liked to stay

After the shock news of a few days ago, è came the explanation. Melli's farewell generated a lot of speculation as to why the biancorosso captain came to pack his bags. Greeting everyone with a meaningful post, the now former Olimpia star wanted to clearly explain the reason for the separation.

On the much noise generated by the news of the "rupture" between him and Olimpia, Melli does not discount anyone: "Before the hubbub one had to imagine the separation from Milan: I did not think of leaving. I take note of a legitimate choice of the company; however, I was pleased with the testimonies of affection I received".

Melli never wanted to leave Milan: "Would I have stayed? Sure. But things are done in two. It wasnè t like that. I regret that it is said and written that I left Milan". The reference è obviously, to the companyà which, better to clarify, has as its president the one who è is also the coach of the'AX, namely Messina.

And we get to how Melli learned that he was no longer part of the club’s plans: "After the media day following the scudetto I spoke with Ettore Messina and we even went into detail about the offer that the club delivered to me in April, the only one that came in these months. I said: let’s find each other and let’s deal with it; in Olimpia I played 7-8 years and I’m the captain, all this has value, no? Besides, it ès not only important what you do, but how you do it. The ’meeting è was positive and purposeful. Two or three days ago I received the phone call, which lasted 45 seconds, in which Hector informed me that the company’had decided to take a’different direction". To be understood now, in light of Melli’s words, what will be the reaction of the biancorossi fans.

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