Parma, Kyle Krause dreams big

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Parma, Kyle Krause dreams big

During an interview given to the microphones of "CBS Golazo", Parma president Kyle Krause è spoke bluntly about the club&#39s long-term goals. In addition, the patròn also analyzed his team&#39s start to the season.

"We have been three years in Serie B: first and foremost, for us, returning to Serie A means doing well, staying there, settling in. Getting used to, in short, the top. We hope we can continue to improve our path, also from the standpoint of the standings. Surely we want to keep the category, but è more important to continue to improve and grow as a club" began the president of Parma.

"We have to stay for several years in the top league, this è our expectation. My hope è that this young team can grow and get used to playing together. Those who è have been here the longest must help the new ones integrate as best they can. We hope that this growth can continue and that in the coming years we can return to the top of the rankings in Italy and find Europe" added the class of 1963.

"The season è started only three games, not counting the Italian Cup. We have played three good matches against very very difficult opponents to face. I think after a start like that, to be where we are, I can be satisfied" Kyle Krause commented.

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