Serie A, three disqualified: no discount for Pawel Dawidowicz

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Three players are disqualified in Serie A


Closed, with Como's victory over Atalanta on Tuesday evening, the fifth day of Serie A, the Sports Judge Gerardo Mastrandrea issued his rulings after the analysis of the reports of the relevant ten matches played in the top league. A total of three players were disqualified, for two of them also a fine of 5 thousand euros.

These are the provisions of the Sports Judge:

EXPULSED PLAYERS – DISQUALIFICATION FOR TWO ACTUAL DAYS OF MATCH AND FINE OF € 5,000.00 – DAWIDOWICZ Pawel Marek (Hellas Verona): for having, at 20° of the first half, while the game was in progress, hit with an elbow to the face a player of the opposing team; infraction detected by an Assistant.

DISQUALIFICATION FOR ONE EFFECTIVE DAY OF MATCH AND FINE OF € 5,000.00 – GUILBERT Frederic George (Lecce): for having, at 2° of the second half, inflicted a hand to a player of the opposing team.

DISQUALIFICATION FOR ONE ACTUAL DAY OF MATCH – CANCELLIERI Matteo (Parma): for having committed a foul intervention on an opponent in possession of a clear opportunity to score.

Disqualified for one day, in addition, a health worker of Naples, Vincenzo Longobardo, "for having, at 31° of the second half, without any authorization, risen from the additional bench heading towards the goal of his own team".

The updated Serie A standings and goalscorer rankings

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