Angelo Binaghi and Filippo Volandri sympathize with Jannik Sinner, and the lawyer is confident

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Angelo Binaghi and Filippo Volandri stand in solidarity with Jannik Sinner, and the'lawyer è confident

Lawyer Jamie Singer, who has already assisted Jannik Sinner during the first investigation, the one that led to the acquittalw of the world number 1 regarding the now famous “Clostebol”case, has given an interview to Gazzetta dello Sport in which, talking about the Wada recoso, he says he is confident of resolving the issue in a positive way in a short time. And to Sinner comes also the solidarityà of Angelo Binaghi and Filippo Volandri. Here are Singer’s words.

"We were surprised too, actually. After Jannik had been found positive for Clostebol in infinitesimal amounts, the International Tennis Integrity Agency understood the sensitivity of the case and turned to an experienced independent tribunal instead of ruling directly. We hoped that the’experience of the Sport Resolution Panel’s three specialists, and their well-substantiated and documented judgments, would convince the parties that the matter had been resolved properly". 

"There are technical deadlines that obviously have to be met and so we do not know when we will arrive at the final settlement. We are waiting to receive all the details of the Wada appeal (the statement of appeal brief is due by October 10, ed.). The Tas will then define the panel and decide the date of the hearing. We hope to close in a few months". 

“The request for suspension instead of points deduction è makes full sense. No one, in fact, accuses Jannik of having benefited in his performance because of Clostebol. Therefore, it would be unfair to penalize him in the rankings or gains. However, Wada believes that he is somehow responsible for his team’s actions and therefore demands that he be punished. Suspension è the penalty they are asking for what they consider negligence". 

“We are all aware that Wada has the full right to take this action, appealing was within its possibilities; and we know how complicated the work of overseeing doping and the’integrity’of the sports world is. Having said that, we believe that the appeal was not really necessary".

"We have great confidence in the Tas that will have to put an end to the case, I am sure that it will sanction’the boy’s innocence giving us back a champion in the full of serenity" said FITP President Angelo Binaghi. "This affair will end in the best way and make him even stronger. We stand by him", added Davis captain Filippo Volandri.

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