Bologna, Vincenzo Italiano satisfied despite defeat

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Bologna, Vincenzo Italiano satisfied despite defeat

That was what Bologna coach Italiano had asked for on the eve of the Anfield match at home to Liverpool, satisfied with the performance beyond the result, the 2-0 defeat in the second day of the Champions League.

“We go out as we wanted, with our heads held high. We played a great game, apart from the episodes of the two goals. Indeed: we could have worked better on the first one, but on the second one…well Salah did a great thing”.

“I think Liverpool did not expect a Bologna soì brave and good at turning the field over. Too bad, forò I congratulated the boys, nice performance”.

“From here we have to start again. I am proud of the performance of the boys and the fact that we are getting used to these rhythms, despite the inexperience to these stages".

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