Danilo Gallinari’s last wish: one more year in the NBA

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Gallo aims for 17th season in NBA

Gallinari è entered the golden world of the NBA back in 2006 (sixth call in the Draft). To date, there are as many as 16 seasons in the most exciting and prestigious professional basketball league in the world. The azure aims to play there for one more season, so that he can reach 17.

"Only 80 players in NBA history have been able to have a career that è lasted 17 or more years. It honors me and makes me proud to be able to try", Gallinari’s own words to Sky Sports. In short, the priorityè of the 1988 class è only one: an NBA franchise.

Obviously, the goal isn&#39t easy at all: "È difficult toò especially in a world like the NBA where the average length of a career does not reach five years. There’è a very fast turnover, every year new players arrive, staying in the league è complicated. You have to be good, clearly, and you have to know how to behave, understand what è your role, which sometimes also means accepting roles you don’t like. I am happy with my career, but now I really hope to organize myself somehow for my season number 17 in the league".

In the meantime, there's a profession he definitely won&#39t be doing when he decides to stop playing: "He certainly won&#39t be coaching, he won&#39t be doing what Federico (his brother, now on the Detroit Pistons technical staff ed) is doing, but there is no shortage of options: he&#39ll evaluate them; in due time". The priorityè è finding a place in the NBA. Europe is not è an option at the moment.

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