Nicolo Bulega revealed a backstory about Valentino Rossi

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Nicolò Bulega revealed a backstory about Valentino Rossi

Ducati rider Nicolò Bulega in an interview with talked about his rapprochement with Valentino Rossi and his return to the Tavullia Ranch after six years: "I did not win, it had been six years since I had gone… flat track è a discipline in which you need perseverance and è difficult to be competitive if you do not train".

On the relationship with the Doctor: "On social media people write so many wrong things. I can say that with Valentino I have a great relationship, and the same goes for Uccio, since we stayed talking until almost midnight".

"On the track Valentino è still very strong, in fact I did not beat him, but the important thing è that it was a beautiful and fun day".

"If I am not mistaken I did fifth in the Americana… when I was in the Academy I remember I was going strong at the Ranch and in fact I have not forgotten about the flat track, although I have to find again certain automatisms".

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