Alessia Orro, Myriam Sylla and Anna Danesi pemiate in Villa Reale

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Alessia Orro awarded

To Alessia Orro, Myriam Sylla, Anna Danesi and Paola Egonu the Municipal Administration of Monza presented on Tuesday, October 8, in the splendid setting of Villa Reale, four scale reproductions of the Iron Crown of Monza, in recognition of their sporting merits for their achievements with the Italian national team at the Paris 2024 Olympics.

The award ceremony was attended by Mayor Paolo Pilotto and Sports Councillor Viviana Guidetti; also present were Fipav Regional President, Piero Cezza, the President of the Milan-Monza-Lecco Territorial Committee of Fipav, Massimo Sala and the President of Consorzio Vero Volley, Alessandra Marzari.

A moment of the’meeting with the athletes è was devoted to questions from the students of the Mapelli and San Giuseppe sports-oriented science high school classes, an opportunity to confront the genuineness and liveliness of the athletes present.

“È it is with great satisfaction – says Sports Councillor Viviana Guidetti – that we handed over the Iron Crown today to the four Olympic volleyball champions who have realized their dream and are a spur for our boys to always cultivate their ambitions. They are athletes who embody the values that sport, at every level, canò convey to those who practice it: dedication, grit and teamwork”.

“The athletes we have awarded today– observes Mayor Paolo Pilotto – in addition to being authentic witnesses of the beauty and value of’sports commitment confirm the’importance of sports for the cityà of Monza, as evidenced also by the achievement of the twelfth place of our cityà and our province in the 2024 Sole 24 Ore sportsmanship index’related to the spread of sports in the territory and sports results”.

The Province of Monza and Brianza also wanted to celebrate the’excellence of Brianza sports by awarding a commendation of merit to the Italian National Women’s Volleyball Team, represented by the athletes of Vero Volleyball. President Luca Santambrogio comments: “The international sporting successes achieved by the team that triumphed at the 2024 Olympics tell us about values we hold dear: courage, strength, determination, self-sacrifice, but also teamwork and selflessness. These are the virtuesù that will remain etched in the hearts of everyone, especially the younger generation, and we è seemed right to recognize it”.

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