Ivan Zaytsev, all set for derby debut

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Ivan Zaytsev on debut

It’s derby time at home MINT Vero Volleyball Monza. Sunday, Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. (live DAZN and VBTV), the Consortium’s men’s first team will challenge within the walls of Opiquad Arena Monza’s Opiquad Arena, Allianz Milano in day four of the SuperLega Credem Banca 2024/25. A challenge that already promises to be breathtaking, embellished also by the fact that for the first time we will see  Ivan Zaytsev in a Vero Volley jersey.

The stops in the championship that came against Piacenza and Civitanova, motivate Beretta and his teammates to look for a treble to break the negative trend of this beginning of the season; also the meneghini, after the defeat against Trento, are looking for three points to climb the ranking.

This is the 26° confrontation between the two formations: to triumph è was Milan 14 times, against Monza’s 11. There are three former players in the match, starting with the two centerbacks Averill and Mosca who played on the Milan roster in 2017/18 and 2020/21, 2021/22 seasons, respectively. On the’other side of the net, Louati è was in Monza only one year, in 2019/20.

After the 3° Place in the last SuperLega and the Champions League qualification, coach Piazza s Allianz Milano starts again with seven new arrivals. Five Italians: Davide Gardini, son of art, setter; centerbacks Edoardo Caneschi and Jacopo Larizza; libero Matteo Staforini; and opposite Tommaso Barotto. Three new foreigners from three continents: arriving under the Madonnina, Tatsunori Otsuka, a young Japanese setter; Canadian center Jordan Schnitzer; and from France, with the Olympic champion medal around his neck, Yacine Louati. Completing the roster are the six confirmations from last season: in the director the blue Paolo Porro and the Belgian opposite Ferre Reggers. Also confirmed is the’other Azure, Damiano Catania, in the role of libero. There are two senators: captain Matteo Piano at center and setter Matey Kaziyski. After last season, in the role of second setter there will be Nicola Zonta.

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