Inter: Curva Nord warns Romelu Lukaku

North Curva warns Romelu Lukaku
Through official social channels, the Curva Nord took a position on the Romelu Lukaku issue: “As Lukaku’s return to Inter is very likely there are a few points to be made clear:
– the Curva Nord supports Inter and will not make any protest against the player (despite his behavior last summer);
– posed that no one should go to welcome him with scarves or banners of the Curva or its constituent groups;
– anything that will eventually be done against him in the future will have to be earned on the field with humility and sweat….
He has been supported (and treated) like a king; now he is one like many.”
“Let it also be clear to everyone that we will never cheer against Lukaku if he wears the Inter shirt again. However, we urge all Inter fans not to fall into the opposite trap, that of immediately running and drooling after him. In addition to a clear instinctive emotional aspect, pretending that nothing has happened would only further accelerate that process that has been going on for years now aimed at making us all hebephobes and supine consumers.”
“We are and must remain HEART – SOUL – GRIN – INTERISM. We are not lordlings at the mercy of players’ and clubs’ moves. We took note of Lukaku’s betrayal and we felt terrible about it. To a footballer these things in time can also be forgiven, but they remain. Now Romelu long ball and pedal. Confident, toward a future to be built together with those who will be part of this NEROAZZURRA family of ours. Avanti Interisti! Avanti Curva Nord. Direttivo Curva Nord Milano 1969.”