Trapani targets a young guard

New purchase for Trapani
2B Control Trapani announced that it has reached an agreement with Marco Rupil, a 194-cm, 78-pound 2001 guard. The player has accepted the one-year offer from Pallacanestro Trapani.
The new player of the Sicilian club described his emotions for the beginning of this adventure: “I am very happy to have signed in Trapani because it is a competent square and one that I have always admired for the warmth it can transmit. I will always try to give 110% and I will put the utmost seriousness and great commitment at the service of the coach and my teammates. I can’t wait to get started.”
A 194 cm guard, class of 2001, Rupil is a shooting guard, a ductile outside player capable of building his shot off the dribble. He will still play as an “under.” A product of College Basketball Borgomanero’s thriving youth sector, Marco showcases his qualities from a very young age. In the 2016/17 season, at only 15 years old, he made his debut in C Gold with the College jersey where he will play until 2018/19. In his last season in C Gold, in 26 appearances, he averaged 14.3 points, 3.6 rebounds and 2.5 assists.
In the 2019/20 season, he tastes for the first time the basketball “of the bigs” and lands in A2 in Roseto where he plays only 7 games before moving to Serie B at Stella Azzurra Roma where he immediately rises to leader of the group by averaging 15.7 points, 4 rebounds and 2.6 assists. In 2020/21 comes again the call from Serie A2 and precisely from Pallacanestro Orzinuovi with whom he plays 26 games at an average of 4 points in 21 minutes. The excellent year played guarantees him reappointment also in the 2021/22 season. In Orzinuovi, he averages 3 points in 19 official appearances. In Lombardy, however, the season does not go well at all and so he decides to finish the championship in Serie B in “his” Borgomanero where, in 7 official games, he records 13 points and 3.5 rebounds on average.