F1, Ferrari: Laurent Mekies tough on controversy

F1, Ferrari: Laurent Mekies tough on controversy
In recent weeks Ferrari’s strategies have been criticized by several fans. Laurent Mekies intervened without mincing words: “There is more discussion outside inside the team. I repeat: we have always been very clear. We aim to get the best result for the team. Ferrari comes before everyone and everything.”
There was also debate about who should be the leader between the two drivers: “Obviously there will be a point where we have to focus more on one driver than the other if the championship position requires it. It won’t be the math that will suggest it to us, we will have to be good at figuring out when the time is right to do it.”
Mekies then focused on Carlos Sainz: “He has shown us very important performances, especially at Silverstone, Austria and France. He has made tremendous progress since the beginning of the season and we are all super happy with his performance, the wish is that he continues like this. At the beginning of the year we made no secret of the fact that the car did not fit him very well. We had to work a lot with him, with his engineers, with everybody in Maranello to make sure we could give him something he’s more comfortable with. And these things take time. We seem to be heading in the right direction.”