Torino, Ivan Juric dottes the ‘i’s’

Ivan Juric doesn’t hide
On the eve of the challenge against Empoli, Torino coach Ivan Juric spoke in a press conference, focusing on the things that need to be done to get out of what he called a “gray zone.”
“I hope to get out of the crisis as soon as possible,” said the granata coach. “Last year everything was a bit clearer: we were tough, but really tough. Now, however, we are tough at times, there is harmony in movements but we suffer a few too many holes. I want to increase the quality of play and get back to scoring points, I hope to do that as early as tomorrow. A coach doesn’t have time to overcome a difficult moment, he has to do it quickly.”
Juric admitted to having several unknowns: “The doubts are those: will those who are there today be able to do better than those of last year? Will Radonjic be focused? Can Miranchuk return to what he used to be? Up front and in the middle I have lost compared to last year, but mine is a mission and I want to be able to fulfill it.”