Ivan Juric warns Milan

Ivan Juric’s words
Ivan Juric spoke after the clear victory over Cittadella: “I care about the Coppa Italia, already against Milan it can become a beautiful day. There were a lot of young people on the field, I want us to create a good spirit and a little more mischief.”
Chapter Pellegri: “If you have a strong striker, he plays. Otherwise you think about other situations. He has suffered so much from injuries, the scars do not allow him continuity of work. The goal gives confidence and enthusiasm, I hope it’s a restart for him.”
Closing remark on the derby: “Sometimes it is better to say little and go home. I share with you, otherwise everything becomes sadder. To me it passes, after Juve I was depressed and then two days I was charged up and insulted everyone. It was not my intention to go against the president-I was furious a little bit with everybody, but because I want to solve things. And you must not take me too seriously.”