Dominik Paris seeking redemption in Bormio

Dominik Paris in Bormio
The World Cup calendar features the classic event in Bormio in the coming days, where the fifth downhill of the season will be held on Wednesday, December 28, and the third super-giant on Thursday, December 29. The venue will be the legendary Stelvio slope, whose program will open on Monday, December 26 and Tuesday, December 27 with the two official races in which Dominik Paris, Christof Innerhofer, Nicolò Molteni, Mattia Casse, Matteo Marsaglia, Florian Schieder, Giovanni Franzoni, Pietro Zazzi, Benjamin Alliod and Matteo Franzoso will participate, while Guglielmo Bosca will be present exclusively in the super-giant, after his fall last weekend in Val Gardena. As a reminder, the Italian team has eight places in the downhill and six in the super-giant plus the fixed place of Giovanni Franzoni in both disciplines, which is why Zazzi, Franzoso and Alliod will compete for a place in the downhill.
As for the fast races, Italy boasts seven victories on the Stelvio with Paris (six in the downhill in 2012, 2017, 2018, twice in 2019 and 2021, and once in the super-giant in 2018), while Innerhofer won in 2008 and has been on the podium twice more with a second place in the downhill in 2018 and a third, also in the downhill in 2010.