Napoli-Juventus, Spalletti venomous on Allegri

“No use hiding, if you don’t win with what you spent it didn’t go well.”
Napoli coach Luciano Spalletti in a press conference on the eve of the challenge against Juventus sent a clear message to Massimiliano Allegri, who had previously tried to shift the pressure on the Azzurri.
“I understand that for Allegri it is convenient to pass as a comprimario, but for a Juve always stuffed with champions it is impossible to hide from the role of favorite. Certain investments pay off only by playing to win the Scudetto and Champions League. It is useless to put on a hat or a fake beard, there is no fourth place that will satisfy Juventus.”
More on Allegri: “He says I’m funny and funny? He is the best because the palmarés says so, I bow before his palmarés.”
On defensive Juve: “Allegri espouses the Juventus motto, that winning is the only thing that matters. Everything here is more heart and soul, Maradona was there, they saw him play and when he won he showed how much beauty there is in soccer. We can’t help but carry some of that beauty with us and we remember that soccer hoping to reproduce it.”
“They restart and have multiple individual plays, the first consideration will be to never lose balance in attacking. We will do what we like and what the fans like. A coach came through here a short time ago, Sarri. He hasn’t won anything, but we only talk about his soccer and so he has value and I like that stuff there. There was Benitez who won a couple of titles, he’s also well talked about, but he didn’t impress like Sarri, so there’s to watch out for that. Sometimes you leave a mark more with the visible than with what you bring home without a job done on the field.”